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Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

HSC-94 (An army sniper complex, GRAU index - 6V8) - Russian sniper rifle, created based on the 9A-91 in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau 1994 year to conduct sniper noiseless and flameless fire.

HSC-94 – video

The end of the 80s of the last century has been very successful for Klimovsk CRI Tochmash. At that time, were created and put into service two samples of small arms - rifles and automatic BCC "Val" - in addition, based on them began to form another machine, this time small. Tula Instrument Design Bureau (KBP), Taking into account the success of the weapon Klimovsk, I did not want to completely give competitors a promising niche weapons and start working on their version of the multi-purpose "platform".

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

The basis of a harmonized set, generated Tula, I was supposed to be a small-sized machine 9A91. As a major competitive advantage and machine, and all other types based on it was originally planned to use a large manufacturability and, Consequently, lower cost, than the weapons CRI Tochmash. Ammunition was decided to use the same, as in Klimovskikh machines and rifle - cartridges 9h39 mm SP-5 and SP-6. However, due to some production characteristics of these cartridges have a relatively high cost. Therefore, in Tula and do their own ammunition. PAB-9 was significantly cheaper cartridge SP-5 and SP-6, but I had other ballistic characteristics and slightly heavier bullet. Despite the clear advantage of the Tula Cartridge financially, special distribution it has not received - all production is limited by several parties, whereupon PAB-9 was removed from production.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Almost simultaneously with the very gun 9A91 was created and a sniper rifle based on it. Sniper rifle range 94-year or just the VSK-94 differed from the original machine skeletal butt instead of foldable and pistol grip, instrument silencer and telescopic sight. The whole kit comes in a special carrying case, and on the translation of the rifle from the field configuration in combat with proper preparation arrow takes about a minute. HSC-94 Automatic machine completely analogous 9A91 and executed on the basis of the gas engine. Locking barrel before firing four lugs is produced rotating bolt. Shock-type firing mechanism allows firing, both single shots, and queues. This "legacy" machine called one of the advantages of the entire complex. Check box Fuse-translator fire in the early series machine was located on the left side of the receiver, and then it was moved to the right. In both cases, the check box is located above the trigger guard. Also during manufacture it has undergone some changes, and bolt handle: at first it was hard, and then it folds up completed. The ammunition supply VSC-94 is made of detachable box magazine for two dozen cartridges. The rifle can use the sniper bullets SP-5, armor JV-PAB-6 and 9.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

The complex, but the actual "shooting machine", includes silent shooting device. Application of CBE allows you to completely eliminate the flare and greatly reduce muzzle noise at. As a result, PBS with subsonic cartridge can fire without the risk of being found already at distances of 30-40 m. Another important feature of the VSC-94, which can also be considered an advantage in front of the WBU, "Val" and "Whirlwind", is gas automatics. Since the rifle sniper complex was created on the basis of the machine, it works as a mechanic with a silencer, and without. Recall, Klimovsk silent on arms for a gas engine requires the constant presence of the silencer, providing, among other things and sufficient pressure propellant gases. At the VSK-94 does not require this - if necessary, the shooter can remove the silencer and use the rifle as a regular "noisy" machine without losing the characteristics of shooting. It highlights the fact, that the design of a silencer device contains no elements, to be replaced after a certain number of shots. Furthermore, BSS configured nonseparable. However, some prefer arrows from time to time to wash it with gasoline. KBP representatives say, that this procedure is not necessary, although it may indeed in some measure to extend the life of the muffler.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Sights HSC-94 consist of open-controlled sight (completely passed to the rifle from 9A91). Besides, on the left side of the receiver has a bracket for mounting the optical, collimator or night sight. Rifles of the first series were completed only an optical sight PSO-1, modified under the ballistics used cartridges. Later, there were collimator sight PKS-07 a seven-fold increase and a night PKN. When using the day sights sighting range of 400 m. At night, depending on conditions, this figure is reduced to 200-350 m (Without the Moon / under cloudy, at the Moon).

It is believed, that the VSK-94 has a number of advantages over the silent weapon CRI Tochmash. Main is, that Klimovskii Institute created a separate sniper rifle, separate quiet and private small-sized machine. With all the high degree of standardization is still an independent arms. HSC-94, in its turn, can be used in all three persons without any major modifications - is enough to remove the silencer / optical sight. Some snag in this case is cumbersome butt, which is equipped with a rifle range 94-year, but in the light of other benefits, this does not look fatal flaw. Due to the application in the construction and machine guns approach, VSK-94 is sometimes called "sniper gun».

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

AT 1994-95 Years rifle VSK-94 and 9A91 automatic were adopted by the special forces and Interior Ministry of Defense. Around this same time the first appearance of a rifle in the photo- press and video materials. In the opinion of men, who worked with the VSK-94, it is reliable and convenient weapon. At this point the rifle is made in small batches to replenish the arsenals of special forces.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Advantages VSK-94

– Acceptable muzzle energy.
– High punching and slug killer action.
– Sighting and effective range of fire is quite sufficient to carry out special operations in open terrain. Convenient butt and adapted optical sight provides good shooting accuracy. Lack of muzzle flash and shot sound muffling allow the sniper to covertly operate in close proximity to the enemy.
– Heavy bullet slowly loses kinetic energy, that provides high lethality, even beyond the maximum range of aimed fire.
– Small vertical dimension allows the shooter to firmly pressed against the ground.
– The silencer contains replaceable elements, so its effectiveness is not reduced for a long time in the process of shooting.
– Rifle resistant to dusting and has reliability, similar Kalashnikov.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

HSC-94 without the muffler

Disadvantages VSK-94

– Most bullet weight, coupled with increased lifting powder and small weight rifle gives a strong impact.
– Rifle is not as silent. Its clanging gate (especially when shooting bursts) far heard, especially at night and in the absence of a sufficiently strong background noise. Volume VSK-94 - at the level of small-bore rifle.
– In automatic shooting mode, the efficiency of the muffler falls sharply, even when compared with other types of rifles.
– Considerable ammunition weight significantly reduces the wearable ammunition.
– Flat trajectory flight subsonic bullets limits effective range.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm


In contrast to BCC "Vintorez" FAC trigger 94 has a trigger mechanism, - but therein lies its main advantage. Muffler (because of its type, it does not apply to devices for silent - flameless fire) nerazbornыy (which is why after the shooting it is necessary to rinse the diesel fuel or gasoline, and by ingestion of water appears rust in record time) It has no integral connection with the barrel weapons, trunk has no chromium plating (although due to it has pretty good accuracy (chromium coating by the electrochemical deposition method has uniform structure), but less lack chromium coating is its low resource)). Generally, VSK-94 is quite well proven during the two Chechen wars.

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Partial disassembly of the VSK-94

Performance characteristics of ECC-94

– Constructor: Gryazev, Vasily Petrovich
– designed: 1994 year
– Manufacturer: KBP Instrument Design Bureau
– options: 9A-91

Weight HSC-94

– 2,8 kg (without optical sight and store)
– 0,7 kg (Curb shop)

Dimensions HSC-94

– Length, mm: 932
– Width, mm: 44
– Height, mm: 192

Cartridge HSC-94

– 9× 39 mm (PAB-9, SP-5, SP-6)

Caliber HSC-94

– 9 mm

Rate SSC-94

– 700 rounds / min

Firing range VSK-94

– 400 m (sighting)

Magazine capacity VSK-94

– korobchatыy store 20 rounds

Aim: PSO-1-1; PKS-07; open
Work principles: removal of powder gases, Butterfly valve

Photos VSK-94

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Rifle HSC-94 and automatic 9a-91

		Sniper rifle VSK 94-caliber cartridge 9 mm

Two sniper rifles for special units: SJC «Vintorez» (from above) and SSC-94 (from below)



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