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At the bottom of the Baltic Sea found a Soviet submarine S-12

Russian sailors found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea Soviet submarine, sunk during the Great Patriotic War, According to the press service of the Baltic Fleet.

На дне Балтийского моря обнаружена советская подводная лодка С-12

The report said, that the sunken submarine in the Baltic Sea have found the crew of the latest sea trawler “Alexander Obukhov” at the bottom of the survey in the area of ​​the island of Great Tyuters. It is assumed, that this submarine S-12, the Soviet Navy, who was killed in the Baltic Sea during World War II. It is possible to establish when a further trip and then comparing the obtained data with the performance characteristics of Soviet submarines. The boat is on an even keel at a depth of 70 m.

Baltic Fleet command decided to conduct on-site detection of submarines special exercises, during which additional identification will be carried out.

C-12 - Soviet diesel-electric submarine torpedo series IX-bis, C - "average" of World War II. Joint the fleet 18 August 1941 of the year. Led military operations in the Baltic Sea, repeatedly received damage. 30-On July 1943 , the C-12 under the command of Captain 3 grade AA. Baschenko left Lavensaari (Powerful island) and in the morning 1 August reported on charging the island Carey. Next, lay her way to the deep pass from Naissaar, which Germans blocked line of bottom min. No more about the boat, nor of 46 a member of its crew has not been heard.



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