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 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24 - Soviet / Russian attack helicopter development EDO M. L. mile. Informal name - "Crocodile". The first Soviet (European) and second in the world (after the AH-1 "Cobra") specialized attack helicopters. Serial production began in 1971 year. It has a lot of modifications, exported to many countries. It was used extensively during the Afghan war, during the fighting in Chechnya, as well as in many regional conflicts.

I-24 in Syria – video

Serially in the USSR helicopters were built in the factory number 168 ( Rostov Helicopter Production Association, then the aircraft company "Rostvertol").

On 2014 It is the first year of the prevalence of attack helicopters in the world (produced more than 3500 PC.), while the second-ranked AH-64 Apache - about 2000 PC.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

History of creation

Development of the project products "240" (B-24) It began after the USSR CM Resolution and the CPSU 6 May 1968 , the Design Bureau M. L. mile. prototypes (OP-1 and OP-2) We were ready in a year. Much of components and assemblies has been aligned with the Mi-8 and Mi-14.

Experienced helicopter had a total front a double cab (the so-called "veranda") with dual controls. The crew consisted of the pilot and the operator. Further, the crew added mechanic. The middle part was helicopter cargo compartment, vmeschayuschaya to 8 marines. The right and left sides of the cargo compartment were double doors, with top and bottom flaps. Opening the windows were equipped with pivot installations for firing during the flight from personal weapons. Both cabins are sealed, supercharged engines from.

From the beginning, the crew consisted of specialized equipment, flight and body armor Armed helms. Reservation cabin shows frontal bulletproof glass, armored crew seats, local armor plates on the sides of the cab and engine hood.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Due to the unavailability of the complex "Storm" weapons, it was decided to first establish a set of machines K4V Mi-4 - rocket "Phalanx-M" manual guidance system and machine-gun installation of FCC-1 with a machine gun A-12.7, four beam holder under NUR or svobodnopadayuschie bomb.

Factory tests began 15 September 1969 of the year (Test Pilot T. AT. Alferov). Immediately began construction of a pilot series of ten helicopters. At the end 1970 , the two cars have finished - to improve stability at speeds more 200 km / h on a helicopter wing set with a negative V-12 degrees and an elongated cab. The first production of the Mi-24A (product "245"), formed in this way and "Falanga-M" equipped complex received pilot operation for the troops.

Mi-24A is building a plant in Arsenyev. Was made almost 250 machines, which entered service structures formed by the Army Aviation, in a separate CA helicopter regiments of combined arms armies and air assault brigades. Based on the Mi-24A training modification of the Mi-24U was developed (ed. «244») with full dual controls.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24B (ed.”241″) got a new machine gun installation USPU-24 machine gun Yak-B 12.7mm machine gun (4500 height / min), missile system "Phalanx-P". But finishing the helicopter was suspended and made fundamental changes - cabin converted into a tandem, tail rotor and gear installed on the Mi-14 - the screw of the push began pulling, which greatly improved the efficiency of directional control. The helicopter was called "Mi-24V", or the product "242". But due nedovedonnosti complex "Storm" helicopters with new cabin had to be equipped with the type of Mi-24B, and the "intermediate option" went to a series under the designation Mi-24D (product "246"). Letter "G" on the safe side decided not to use ... On finishing the Mi-24V is gone 8 years. AT 1976 , the helicopter was officially adopted for itself and built a series of mass.

In this way, to 1973 year there was a look of helicopter, well-known all over the world.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight


Mi-24 is built on the classic single-rotor scheme with a five-blade main and trohsharnirnym three-blade tail rotor.

chassis trohstoechnoe, retractable, a steerable nose.

The forward fuselage posted double cabin crew on a tandem scheme: the arrow operator is in a separate front cabin, followed by pilot, cabin which is raised for easy viewing on 0,3 m above the cubicle arrow, board techniques can be placed on the jump seat in the cargo compartment behind the cab pilot. The crew is in a pressurized cabin, equipped with air conditioning or a life-support system (We vertolёtov to-24R), to prevent the ingress of contaminated air and radioactive dust therein supported slight overpressure.

Steel plates were booked cabin crew, oil tank engines, gearbox and hydraulic reservoir. Pilot seat reservation, Foldable with bronezagolovnikom, chair arrow Reserved, armored windshields, flat, equipped with wipers, organic convex side windows, not armored.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

The central section of the fuselage consists of a cargo compartment, which can accommodate up to eight Marines, and the rear tapered section for equipment and niche cleaning the main landing gear.

Transmission and redundant control system is the same, as the helicopter Mi-8.

The shaft of the rotor is inclined at 2,5 ° to the right so that could substantially reduce the angles of roll and sliding the helicopter in flight, unavoidable for all rotorcraft single-rotor design, and thereby improve the shooting accuracy of the fixed arms.

One of the main features of the helicopter is the area of ​​the wing 6,75 m² negative transverse V - 12 °, which provides up to 50 percent lift, depending on the speed and other factors.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight


Mi-24 – prototypes. Cab "veranda", weaponry: in the nose - the mobile machine-gun installation PHC-1-A with a machine gun 12.7 (ammunition - 900 rounds), NAR blocks UB-32A with NURS-5 and 4 ATGM 9M17 anti-complex "Phalanx-M". The tail rotor is to the right.

Mi-24 Super Hind – Deep modernization of the Mi-24, The performed by the South African ATE with participation of JSC "Rostvertol". Installed new communications NATO standard, replaced with navigation equipment, fire control system, redesigned rotor, amended centering.

Ми-24 Super Hind Mk. III – Modification Mi-24B, The performed by the South African ATE and Ukrainian state enterprise "Konotop Aircraft Repair Plant" Aviacon "" for the Algerian Air Force in 1999-2004. For the Algerian Air Force has been modified 33 former Ukrainian helicopter.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Ми-24 Super Hind Mk. IV – Modification Mi-24K, The performed by the South African ATE and Ukrainian state enterprise "Konotop Aircraft Repair Plant" Aviacon "» and «State Kyiv Design Bureau" Luch "," for the Air Force of Azerbaijan in 2010-2011. Armed with missiles "Barrier-B", at 2010 It was put into service in Azerbaijan under the designation Mi-24G. For the Air Force of Azerbaijan has been modified 12 helicopters.

Mi-24A – production version, in comparison with the prototype extended cab, modified anti-tank mount (on underwing pylons). He produced in 1971-1973. built about 250 pcs. On the first representative of this series tail rotor located on the right side. In later embodiments, Mi-tail rotor 24A has been moved to the left side, and remained there for all subsequent modifications.

Mi-24B – MI-24A with movable machine gun installation USPU-24 machinegun Yak-B 12.7mm machine gun. Standard will not be built due to the admission to adopt a more modern modification D, used for testing weapons. The helicopter passed the test in 1971-1972,.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24BMT – minesweeper based on the Mi-24A. Taken all weapons, armor and wing. INSTALLATIONS trawling unit and an additional fuel tank. Built in a single copy in the 1974 year, NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

Mi-24B – The most massive version of the Mi-24, machine gun with a movable setting USPU-24 machinegun Yak-B 12.7mm machine gun. The Mi-24V with 4 ATGM 9M114 Shturm-V and guidance system Raduga-Sh adopted for 29 Martha 1976 of the year. AT 1986 was adopted for the upgraded version with 16 ATGM Sturm-In. Witnesses ASP-17V. engines TV3-117V. The composition appeared arms B8V20 A blocks NAR C-8, B13L1 blocks with NAR-13 and C-AAP 68UM3 with heavy NAR C-24B. He produced in the years 1976-1986. built about 1000 helicopters.

I-24VK-1/2 / 1.2 – (Export, India, Syria and Egypt), My AA, BBC Russian Mi-24VP-M, Mi-24VP-I, not only have a much superior OPS Mi-35m2, basic sighting system GOES-342, but OEPS-27 identical to the passive infralokator a radar range finder, standing in the early Su-27, detecting in the sector ± 30 at the rate of small-sized, nizkoizluchayuschuyu aerial target to 37 km, ground, class "cold tank" - with 14 km. Airframe Rostov attack helicopters (as a modernized, and new) have neukorochennoe wing with 4 (instead of two) suspension points, two of which are P-64B - adapted for helicopters near the fifth-generation combat missiles, able to shoot down approaching on okolozvuke fighter on a collision course for more than a 20 km, and 4 "Pine-In" under the AAP-4 "Attack" (for comparison - MANPADS "Igla", which are equipped with Mi-24VM, grab the approaching fighter 2500-3200 m, and hypersonic missiles "Pine" - to 14 km. Nevertheless, and "needle-C" is a part-arms 24VK Ni and Ni-M-24VP).

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

I-24VK-2 / SC-2 – Modernization of the Mi-24 for export. The new avionics, including surveillance and sighting system OPS-24N with a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system GOES-342 and the sighting and computing complex PRHB-24. There is also a navigation system KNEI-24. costs, but, add, that Mi-24VK / PC (Rostov modification) and Mi-24VM / PM (Moscow) have serious differences on the glider and armament.

Mi-24VM – Modernization Mi-24B / P / HR. fixed landing gear, screws from the Mi-28A (X-shaped tail rotor), all-weather avionics, IR active station interference SOEP Basswood, mobile unit U-23 cannon GS-23L (how the Mi-24VP), advanced equipment RK guidance for ATGM "Ataka" - Top-24. Also Mi-24VM can carry ATGM "Baby", "Sturm" and "Falanga-M". SD B-B and F-60 "Needle-B". On 2004 year scheduled for completion CIO. Delivered in Russian troops 2011 of the year.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24VP – Mi-24V with cannon GS-23L (ammunition 460 shells) in the mobile unit NPPU 23 new avionics and weapons. On pozdneseriynyh helicopters appeared eight-APU-4 (unified with the Mi-8Mt) ATGM for Attack-In (thus the total number PTUR brought to 12, retaining on the inner underwing pylons two blocks B8V20-A 20-mm-80 C-8 NAR various modifications in each block). When this optional dip battlefield weapons RVV R-60M becomes imperative. AAP-60-1V missiles due to the compactness of the family of P-60 were mounted between the outer pylon and ending, or, how and ADF-60-11, which is perpendicular to the second rocket, installed APU-60-1 from the outside, perpendicular to the ending. Thus for 1989 Mi-year 24VP was the only helicopter, capable of effective defense against fighters using vysokomanovrennyh Interference and missiles with a range of 14 km. To defeat the subsonic and silnozaschischonnyh / c (helicopters and ground attack potential adversaries) in a complex of anti-tank was also introduced PBB ("Air-to-air" missile) 9M220O with a range of in 8 km and a proximity fuse. For low-risk lesions of the lungs and air targets - UAVs and reconnaissance helicopters - under zakontsovochnye APU two ATGM "Ataka" hung semiautonomous (but driven by a pilot) 72-mm MPADS "Needle-C" with a range of 5200 m. The main feature of the avionics of the Mi-24VP is updated OMV with new equipment radio command guidance for ATGM, insensitive to slopes and NAR ATGM night vision goggles for the pilot NVG-58B, new OEPS (Passive infrared purposes locator) and OPS "Raduga-UN". issued with 1989 of the year. Issued no more than 25-30 machines (does not meet reality, the figure is indicated in a number of sources 179 machines). Mi-24VP on all parameters - speed, security of, air combat, all-day use exceeded their overseas competitors - AH-64A «Apache», as well as its improved version, when the latter is still being developed.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

I-24VP-M and I-24VP-I – The modernization project for the Russian armed forces, supplies for army aviation of the Armed Forces were planned with 2006 of the year, However, these projects are the modernization of combatant and delivery of new machines were not fulfilled.

Mi-24B-SMB – Ukrainian remotorizovanny version of the Mi-24V, equipped with engines TV3-117VMA-SBM1V production of JSC "Motor Sich", which increased the maximum height of the flight on 1500 m and increase the carrying capacity of the helicopter on 1000 kg.

Mi-24D – With the new arrangement of booths (tandem). isolated cabin. Complex weapons such as Mi-24B. PTUR 9M17PV Falanga-PV. He produced in the years 1973-1977. produced more than 600 machines.

Mi-24DU – Training version of the Mi-24D with changes, similar to the Mi-24U.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24K – Scout-spotter, with "Iris" surveillance system, digital reconnaissance corrective complex "Ruta" and aerial cameras AFA-100 is a promising shooting in the right side of the cab.

Mi-24M – ASW version. Development stopped on the personal instructions of M. L. mile.

Mi-24P – Mi-24 gun GSH-30K, posted on the starboard side in the fixed installation NPU-30, ammunition - 250 shells. gun dismantled. He produced in 1981-1989 gg.

Mi-24PN – Modification to perform in night combat missions, TV / night thermal sighting subsystem guidance. Delivered in Russian troops 2003 of the year. 14 transferred to helicopters 2004 year.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24PS – Patrol and rescue helicopter. Two variants are known. One - based on the Mi-24P and armed with 30-mm fixed cannon GSH-30K. Equipped with a system of satellite communication and communication systems, used by Russian special forces. Mounted spotlight search FPP-7, loudspeakers and optical gyro stabilized complex. Besides, in the forward fuselage mounted weather radar. In the cargo can be transported assault group of six people. To facilitate the landing on the fuselage of a helicopter fitted handrails, clamps and hooks (at the same time along the ropes may be omitted on four earth), as well as on-board winch LPG-4. The second Mi-24PS is not equipped with weather radar, and machine-gun and cannon armament. Wing smaller magnitude, under which are mounted on pylons, two external fuel tank. The forward fuselage of the machine in a spherical movable container mounted thermal imager, employee to search for objects at night. There are powerful speakers.

Mi-24PU1 – Ukrainian modernization of Mi-24P. Upgraded engines installed TV3-117VMA-SBM1V-02, station optical-electronic warfare "Adros" CT-01AB, collecting and recording BUR-01.04.07 Flight Information System, modernized aviation gunsight ASP-17VPM-In, laser forming system aiming mark FPM-01quarter, satellite navigation system GPS MAP 695, VHF radio KY-196V, emergency beacon EMU-406AFNM, as well as a radar transponder GTH-327 with a height sensor AK-350. Adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2012 year.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Mi-24p – RHB-intelligence helicopter with a mobile machine-gun installation USPU-24 machine gun Yak-B 12.7mm machine gun, with increased life-support system. Launchers of anti-tank pylons dismantled, installed in their place soil sampling excavators (by 3 bucket). On the first carrier is set nominally suspended container with additional equipment, on the tail boom set trigger for SHT missiles. two chemists reconnaissance entered in the crew. He took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident (Assessment of area contamination level). constructed 160 machines.

Mi-24RA – RHB-intelligence helicopter based on the Mi-24P. Better equipment, crew reduced by one chemist scout.

Mi-24U – training modification. From combat by the absence of the nose machine gun, instead of which in the front cabin of the pilot-instructor were established full flight and navigation equipment and standard controls.

Mi-24HR – We Vertolёtы-24HR(R) designed to maintain operational radiochemical intelligence infected areas, to designate their boundaries on the ground and on maps. exploration carried out, basically, in the interests of the Army. Helicopters of this type in the number 1-2 machines are part of the helicopter regiments, or individual mixed regiments and squadron, which in Soviet times were attached to air and land armies.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

I-25 – The export version of the Mi-24D. It differs somewhat altered the composition of the equipment.

I-35 – The export version of the Mi-24V.

We are 35VN / PN – The export version of the Mi-24VK-2 / PC-2.

Mi-35M – The export version of the Mi-24VM (Venezuela under this modification supplied Mi-24PK2). non-retractable landing gear.

Mi-35P – The export version of the Mi-24P

Mi-35PM – Version of the Mi-35P with a new carrier, and X-shaped tail rotor blades made of composite materials.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

The armament of the Mi-24

– Built-gunnery: depending on the modification
– The number of points of suspension: 6 (4)
– Podvesnoe arms-pushechnoe: 2 CPC-23-250 container or 2 BS with machine guns or 2 (4) BS with grenade launchers
– guided missile: Sturm-In, Attack-M, Hermes-A
– ungovernability raketnoe: C-5, C-8, C-13, C-24
– "Air-to-air": P-60M, P-63V, "Igla-V", 9M220O «attack»
– Bombings: caliber bombs and cassettes from 50 to 500 kg.

additional armament

Especially for Ni-24 at the end of the 1970s helicopter nacelle BS-1 were developed (It includes an automatic grenade launcher AGS-17 "Flame") and BS-8700 (one chetyrohstvolny Yakb-gun and two 12.7-chetyrohstvolnyh GSHG 7.62).

Mi-24 can also carry two gun-23-250 CCP container with GSh-23L and ammunition 250 shells.

Some Mi-24P in the late 1980s received 2 air to air missiles R-60 / R-60M for self defense against enemy fighter and combat with enemy helicopters. APU with missiles installed on the inner holder.

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Installation USPU-24 machinegun YakB and antenna RKSN kRaduga-F "on the launch device 2P32M-K-48 and blocks NAR

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

PTUR 9M17P the trigger 2P32M-K-4B

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Container-23-250 CCP and unit UB-32A-73

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Performance characteristics of the Mi-24

– Getting Started: 1971 year
– units produced: ~ 3500

Mi-24 crew

– 2-3 persons

Capacity of the Mi-24

– to 8 Marines, 2 seriously wounded on a stretcher, and 2 walking wounded and paramedic person.

Overall dimensions of the Mi-24

– The diameter of the rotor: 17,3 m
– The diameter of the tail rotor: 3,908 m
– Height with rot. screws: 5,47 m
– fuselage length: 17,51 (17,23 of Mi-24VM) m
– The width of the fuselage: 1,7 m
– The height of the fuselage: 3,9 m
– Wingspan: 6,4 m
– The permissible angle of roll: 50 city.
– The allowable pitch angle: 30 city.

All Mi-24

– Empty: 7580 kg
– Normal takeoff weight: 10 500 kg
– Maximum takeoff weight: 11 500 kg

Carrying capacity of the Mi-24

– Maximum load capacity: 2400 kg
– Weight of cargo on external sling: 2400 kg
– Internal fuel capacity: 2100 l
– Supply of fuel to the PTB: to 2000 l

Motors Mi-24

– amount, a type, mark: 2 engine TV3-117
– Power: 2 x 2500 l. from.
– Fuel consumption: 780 l / h

Mi-24 speed

– Cruising speed: 270 kmh
– The maximum speed in level flight: 335 kmh
– Maximum operational overload: −1,3/+3

Range Mi-24 flight

– Practical flight range: 450 km
– Range of flight Ferry: 1000 km

Static ceiling of the Mi-24

– 1400 m

Dynamic ceiling Mi-24

– 4950 m

Photo Mi-24

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Cabin Mi-24

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Inside the cargo compartment of Mi-24

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

 Mi-24 Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight


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