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Contractor deprived APU electronic “brains” SAM “Net” – stolen parts with precious metals

Contractor of the armed forces of Ukraine detained for stealing pieces of military equipment. We are talking about one of the serviceman military units, stationed in the territory of the Zhytomyr region.

reported, that the object of the theft of steel components with the content of precious metals. Moreover, these components “belonged to” SAM “Net”. Eventually, According to Ukrainian media, refers to the military prosecutor's office, air defense missile system was put out of action.

Контрактник ВСУ лишил электронных "мозгов" ЗРК "Тор" - украл детали с драгметаллами

it turns out, that the theft was not a one-off. Contracted hunted “twist” parts within a few weeks.

from posts:
established, that within two weeks of June 2018 contractor, Master workshop of one of the military units, The town is located in the village district Radomyshl, having free access to the military equipment, he served, He dismantled and stolen from fighting machine 9A330 “Net” Blocks and boards with electronic components boards, which contain precious metals: silver, gold and platinum.

noted, what happened “razukomplektovanie” SAM. According to the latest data, handling stolen Ukrainian military did not have time. All the boards and other components were found and confiscated.

Контрактник ВСУ лишил электронных "мозгов" ЗРК "Тор" - украл детали с драгметаллами

Now, based instituted against a military APU criminal case he faces a prison sentence of up to 15 years.

This is not the first time, when Ukrainian troops trying to earn one dismantlement of weapons and military equipment for the purpose of sale, or individual parts, either directly Arms “in parts”.



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