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Frequent interaction

18 September 1939 of the year, on
The day after the beginning of the campaign,in accordance with
order front commander M. Kovalev, Commander of the 4th Army Division Commander
AT. Johnston izdal order, regulating relations with the army troops
German troops, continues to move to the Soviet-Polish border. these
aircraft were forbidden to fly by the order of the line Bialystok - Brest-Litovsk,
bombing the Telling. the unit commander ordered
to allocate for talks with German special representatives.

meeting with German troops in the Byelorussian Front action direction
occurred 20 September 1939 of the year. In combat reports in front of headquarters, signed
chief of operations of the 4th Army Colonel Dolgov, said: «Parts
4-second army 20 September had a meeting with the parts of the German Army ... German troops,
having met razvedchast 29th Tank Brigade, welcomed it with great
enthusiasm. While on a reconnaissance battalion commissar was Borovensky
invited to the headquarters of the German section and in detail familiar with the situation, then
Comrade Borovenskim the headquarters of the 29th Tank Brigade, a delegation from the
German troops, including two officers and six soldiers. The German delegation was
I met with the orchestra and took part in a dinner.

Frequent interaction

The interaction of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht in Brest-Litovsk, September 1939

The German command requested
sent to their headquarters Permanent Delegate. It has handed over the text of the greeting of the Red Army.
"The German army welcomes Russian Soviet troops. As soldiers, we have
Only one wish: start with Soviet soldiers in the soldiers' good relations. Russian soldier
I stood with us always at a premium. This is what we want in the future ".

meeting with German troops was immediately reported to Moscow, from whence 21
September 1939 the commander of the M front. Kovalev
received additional guidance, on the basis of which the troops were given

Order of the Commander of the 4th Army was told:

1. Communication with the German army

2. At a meeting with German
troops their welcome, Meeting to allocate the commander and
political worker. Representatives of the German Army politely ask:
"When, in what order will depart the German troops on the frontier in the depths?».

3. Permanent delegates to the headquarters
German troops do not give.

Frequent interaction

29-th separate tank brigade,
which first met the German troops, special problem was posed
- to take the Germans Brest-Litovsk. Part of the city the handover ceremony
It was a joint parade of Soviet and German troops, held 22 September 1939
of the year. On the podium next to the brigade commander was the commander of the German Krivoshein
Panzer Corps General Guderian, which in June 1941 will go down in Brest already
as commander of the 2nd Tank Group.

The German-Soviet
communiqué 22 September established a demarcation line along the rivers Pissa, Narev,
Vistula and San. However, the German forces by this time were already much

as at the political level the issue withdrawal of German troops has been resolved,
Soviet troops 24 September had given orders, which explains
order removal of German troops and ordered the, how to act parts
red Army. Withdrawal of German troops planned to finish by the evening 3 October.
Cities, towns and other objects have been taken from the Germans in good
a position to. troop movement was organized in such a way, to distance
between the advance units of the Red Army and the German rearguard were on average
to 25 km. The commanders of Soviet troops were allowed to devote energy and resources into
assistance for the destruction of parts of the German Armed Polish bands, hindered
advancing troops. Aircraft allowed to fly to the line of advance units and
a height of not more than 500 m.

Frequent interaction

General Guderian Kombrig Krivoshein receiving hits in the transmission Wehrmacht Brest parts Red Army, 22 September 1939

continuing the offensive, troops of the 4th
Army crossed the Bug and 29 September took the city Sokolov, Sedlec bulbous.
Busy city passed without any major incidents.

September 1939 year treaty of friendship was signed between the USSR and Germany and
border. The Treaty established the German-Soviet border mainly through
Curzon, in the direction of the 4 th Army actions she took on the Bug River. Now
He has faced the task of withdrawal of Soviet troops on the eastern bank of the Bug. 29 September
1939 , the commander of the army demanded that the troops to stop the advance and
to gain a foothold on the reached the borders until further notice.

two days, it was announced in battle order to the army, that between German and
Soviet forces installed a new line of demarcation. then through
a few days the order was given for the withdrawal of troops to the eastern bank of the Bug.

Frequent interaction

22 September 1939 of the year

For the organization of departure of troops was
drafted a special plan. We have left our troops in these circumstances,
arergardı, and the Germans were isolated advanced detachments, the gap between the troops again
It was ordered to withstand 20 – 25 km. Withdrawal of the army troops began 5 of October and
It was completed 12 October evening.

the campaign open clashes and battles of the Red Army troops
Wehrmacht in the zone of operations of the 4th Army was not. In the archival documents have
information about the German pilot raid on a Soviet train, the shelling of German
patrol our columns and some other individual episodes. During the talks,
These facts explain the German side "pure chance" and apologizes.

manner, the whole nature of the interaction of Soviet troops from the Wehrmacht troops in
the events of September - October 1939 year determines the policy of both states,
and at the highest level. No independent steps in addressing this
complex problem army commanders did.

Gabriel Tsobehiya

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