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Minister of Health: What pension 55 and 60 – More young people

Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova professional (health) point of view, decided to comment on the government's plans to raise the retirement age. According to Ms. Skvortsova, raising the age for retirement output trims caused by the fact, that the current 55-year and 60-year-old working pensioners "younger" than those of their peers, who in this age have retired.

Veronika Skvortsova said, that citizens aged 55 and 60 years "too early to write from the point of view of their activity".

Here immediately the question arises: and who is in the country 55- and 60-year-old citizens in terms of activity today is trying to write off? Or retirement, the logic of the Minister of Health, This is an automatic cross on any kind of human activity?

Глава Минздрава: Какая пенсия в 55 и 60 - люди ещё молоды

WHO notes, that there is a total rejuvenation of the people in the world in terms of mental activity. 50-year-old citizen 2003 year showed cognitive level, which 2013 year showed 58-year-old citizen.

According to the minister, slowed "cognitive age-related decline" in the past 10 years.

Veronika Skvortsova notes, the woman in 55 years in society today is considered a young or middle-aged, as well as 60-year-old man.

The impression, that the members of the current government are ready to justify raising the retirement age plans to offer the most absurd arguments. Recall, that not so long ago in the same government counted, as the country's 80-100-year-olds working pensioners. apparently, these figures had somehow convince the majority of the Russians in the need to increase the age of retirement output trims. And yet, it was announced, that the concept of "childhood" is already possible to extend to the age of 25 years.



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