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Five worst. National Interest called the most “unsuccessful” pistols Russia

The National Interest called the top 5 worst version edition pistols, ever produced in Russia - from the time of the Russian Empire until today, while noting, that was created in the country and a lot of different types of weapons.

Пятерка худших. National Interest назвал самые "неудачные" пистолеты России

According to the author of the material, one of the worst Russian guns is OTs-23 "Dart". journalists believe, that the gun is very heavy and "meaningless", because the cartridge 5,4518 mm is very weak. newspaper writes, what, in spite of the automatic principle and striking rate of fire (to 1 800 rounds per minute), OC-23 showed weak results, and his arms did not accept.

On the second line located gun Nagano sample system 1895 of the year. This weapon was a major in the Russian and Soviet Army until the 1930s, when it was replaced with a Tokarev pistol. According to the authors, "The worst in the revolver - an unusually tight descent".

Third place on the version of the publication took the pistol P-96C, who did not have an external fuse. Tactical and technical parameters U-96C yielded gun Makarova, and therefore proved to be commercially unsuccessful, and at the end of the 1990s, its production stopped.

The list got a gun and "Swift" company "Arsenal", one of the newest Russian guns. Author notes, that the plastic frame pistol and its specifications allow the shooter to quickly fire at targets. At gun, he claimed, There are several obvious flaws: nenadežnostʹ, weak strike the primer, difficult extraction sleeve, "Very tight" and "fuzzy" descent.

The last gun, find themselves in the list of the worst, He became pistol Yarygin PYA / MP-443 "Grach". Since this weapon 2003 They were taken into service in the army and the Interior Ministry, he found a lot of problems, author writes. The biggest problem in the PYA, that is fired from his frequent violations occur supply of cartridges and sleeves clamps. Guaranteed number of shots - all 4 thousands, which is much smaller than any standard-issue pistol NATO. Also noted the inconvenient gun design - neergonomichnaya handle and too broad fly, which adversely affects the accuracy of fire.



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