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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will provide financial support to the spouses of military personnel from distant garrisons

The Russian Defense Ministry decided to financially help the officers' wives (and contract soldiers), sent to serve in distant garrisons. We are talking about garrisons, in the territory of which there are certain problems with the availability of jobs.

According to the newspaper "Izvestia", unemployed spouses of military personnel will receive material benefits. First of all, such a norm will affect women., who, together with their military husbands, live in the garrisons of Siberia, Arctic and Far East. Also, the wives of military personnel will be able to count on benefits from the Ministry of Defense, caring for sick children.

According to the latest data, the amount of the benefit will be (at the moment) 9489 rubles per month. This is the minimum wage.

МО РФ окажет финансовую поддержку супругам военнослужащих из дальних гарнизонов

In legislative terms, the decision is supported by the adoption of a draft resolution "On the amount and procedure for payment of monthly allowances to spouses of military personnel - citizens, under contract military service, during the period of their residence with their spouses in the localities, where they cannot work in their specialty ".

by the way, it's not just about women. The norm applies to men, whose wives are military personnel and are sent to serve in that garrison, where there are currently no jobs in a particular civilian specialty.

used photos: MO RF



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