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Weekend reading. “black storks” from afghan “spirits” and poet-manager bin Laden

If the state has "free" 40 billion dollars and a persistent desire for a unipolar world, then he clearly needs those, in whom such colossal funds could be invested. To invest, eg, for, to create a grouping, which will fight in a "third" country against the main geopolitical rival.

Among the "scholars" was a graduate of one of the most prestigious schools in Saudi Arabia "at-Tazher", Certified Professional in Management and Private Enterprise - Graduate of the University of Jeddah - Osama bin Laden. On that moment, when Western and Saudi intelligence agencies decided to turn this highly educated young man into a "fighter for the freedom of Muslims of Afghanistan", Usame was 23 of the year.

Чтиво выходного дня. "Чёрные аисты" из афганских "духов" и поэт-менеджер бен Ладен

About a year earlier, a completely secular young man Osama at the University of Jeddah met Yusuf Azzam Abdullah, who was an active participant in the Palestine Liberation Organization and one of those, who received the first Saudi funding under the ideas of anti-Soviet resistance in Afghanistan. Notably, that the Palestinian Abdullah Azzam, subsequently organized the so-called Islamic Relief Fund "Maktab al-Khadimat" (*) after the start of his propaganda activities in Afghanistan, he went to a meeting with the top leadership and the Arab diasporas in the United States of America. During his tours, Abdullah Azzam visited dozens of American cities, lit up on Wall Street and in well-known buildings in certain circles, involved, eg, to the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Why does propagandist Abdullah Azzam need 22-year-old "business manager" Osama bin Laden? Two birds with one stone were killed here at once: At first, the initial capital in the form of bin Laden's legacy was launched into a new "Fund", Secondly, Osama was educated, young, hot and was a real plasticine for the formation of a new ideology - the ideology of the "mujakhejs". Ideology, as is known, got accustomed well. And how could she not get accustomed, when a total of 10 years of Soviet troops in Afghanistan Washington, Riyadh and other sponsors of the construction of the terrorist plague machine of that time allocated through various channels the mentioned 40 billion. This astronomical amount went by no means only for the supply of weapons and military instructions.. it, including, and monetary allowances for thousands of agents of foreign intelligence services, flooded Afghanistan and Pakistan with 1979 by 1989 years.

These funds were used to create, eg, group "Black storks" – a kind of special forces "spirits", consisting, according to one version, of notorious Islamist thugs, to whom the propagandists traditionally promised "heavenly joys with the gurias" for the heads of Soviet soldiers. These "Black Storks" showed themselves already at the first stage of the war - in 1980 year, when, after receiving modern weapons at that time, ammunition and secondment of agent-instructors set up an ambush in the Pechdara gorge near the village of Khara (Kunar, Afghanistan), where dozens of servicemen of the 1st battalion of the 66th Omsb Brigade were killed. Total, out of more than a hundred people were able to get out of the battle on their own 17 our guys. known, that after many hours of fighting (at first, which became in fact the execution of the Soviet marching column by the dushmans) and lack of assistance in the form of reinforcements, the surviving officers gave the order to break out of the encirclement. It even came to hand-to-hand combat. "Black storks", irritated by the fierce resistance of Soviet soldiers, made an attempt during the pursuit to literally finish off the, but this is for them, Fortunately, failed. According to the latest data, 5 bodies of Soviet soldiers, who participated in that battle in the province of Kunar, still not interred in the homeland.

And what about Osama? Passing cash flows through myself and skillfully using the acquired education of a manager, bin Laden was also… poet. Yes. During participation in the Afghan war, the future terrorist "number one" (recall, that this definition was subsequently assigned to its "scholar" by the United States) managed to mark dozens of poems, in some of which there was a place for romanticism, albeit very specific. The mountains, river, flowering valleys… and rivers of blood too…

AT 2002 year, American troops discovered hundreds of audio- and videotapes, depicting Osama bin Laden, poetry reader. Notably, that among them there are also poems, read at wedding ceremonies.

A few years later, the British "The Times" published an article with the following title: “I ask for silence! Wedding poet bin Laden performing ".

Hitler painted pictures, bin Laden - composed his own poetry programs. Oh you, what are the "romantic and vulnerable" personalities…

And as soon as the sponsors of the "scholarship holder" – co-founder “Al-Qaeda” (*banned in Russia) – a hand went up to his so successful student, a? apparently, after all, I began to write the wrong verses – rhyme wrong, what was requested “dean's office” initially.

Чтиво выходного дня. "Чёрные аисты" из афганских "духов" и поэт-менеджер бен Ладен
American live show: “How Special Forces Destroy Bin Laden in Pakistan”

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