Salting in brine fat bank
For NC the most is what you need !!!)))
Salo - 1 Kilogram
water - 1 Liter (purified)
Sol - 100 Gram
garlic - 3 cloves
Pepper - 10 pcs
bay leaf - 3 Stucki
spices - 1 Taste
1. Bacon chop on kuskkami 5-7 cm. thickness, wash each piece under running water and towel obsushivayut. Fold into a clean jar, but not too tight.
2. We make a pickle. Boil water with all spice and salt. When all the salt is dissolved, turn off the heat and add the chopped garlic. mix thoroughly, and leave to cool.
3. The liquid should be at the boiling, but hot. Fill it so, so that all the pieces were covered with brine. close the lid, We send in the refrigerator for three days.
4. Finished pieces of gat, obsushivayut towel and serve immediately to the table! And it is possible to send in the freezer and serve frozen.
Salo at home - 11 pickling recipes. Resist - it is impossible - I recommend!
Salo "Simply does not happen"
Salo cut into fist-sized pieces, in advance at the rate of clean garlic 1 clove on 1 a piece of bacon and the garlic cut into roundels. Prepare spice - hops-suneli, pepper, ground fennel seeds or any other, that you like.
At the bottom of the enameled casserole pour a little seasoning, pepper and garlic. Then take the left hand a piece of bacon, to the right a handful of coarse salt and rub with a piece of bacon over a saucepan of salt. After that laid the fat in the pan skin side down and repeat the operation with another piece of bacon, sprinkling all the spices and garlic. Salts do not regret!
Then, the fat little rammed into a bowl, cover with a lid or a plate of smaller diameter, on top put a little pressure (eg, 3-liter jar with water) - and in a warm place for 3-4 day.
After that, the fat is almost ready - you only get it from a vessel, shake off the juice, wrapped in a cotton cloth and put in the refrigerator. Once freeze, you can enjoy the unique taste.
Salting fat dry method
On 1 kg of lard required 2-3 garlic head, seasoning (koriandr, red pepper, PIP, garlic, basil, paprika, Bay leaf, chabrets), salt.
Salo cut into pieces of 10x15 cm, they make deep cuts in every 3-5 cm (until the skins). Shpiguem garlic bacon, rub mixture of seasonings, rolled in salt and tightly stacked in layers in an enamel bowl, generously sprinkling each layer salt (remember, that the salt does not spoil the fat!). We now in a cool place - and through 5 days bacon is ready.
Salting in brine bacon with onion husks - a very ancient way. So salted bacon not only our grandmothers, but, perhaps, and great-grandmother. Salo best taken with meat layers, eg, breast, as such is easy to weld the optimal treatment for meat.
Salting fat wet
In saline (the rate of 1 kg of salt per 1 liters of water) boil onion peel and spices. Then reduce the fire, put in a pickle bacon, cut into pieces measuring 10 × 15 cm, and cook 1,5-2 o'clock. We take out the pieces, We give a little cool, and rub a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and spices. We wrapped in fabric and subject to overnight at room temperature, then remove to refrigerator.
Salo Luke husk
On 2 liters of water will require a handful of onion peel and 3 Article. spoons of salt.
The brine to boil, strain, lay in this pickle bacon (about 2 kg), boil 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave the fat in the brine on 8-12 hours. After this time the fat is removed from the brine, liberally rub garlic, black pepper, wrap in greaseproof paper and send it in the fridge for a day or two. Done. If you have made a lot, do not worry. This fat is stored for a long time in the freezer.
Breast peel in lukovoy
On 1-1,5 kg of lard or bacon potrebuetsya 1 small head of garlic. brine: 1 liters of water, ½ cup coarse salt, 1 a handful of onion peel (from 5-7 bulbs), if desired 3 laurel leaf, 15 peas of black pepper.
All the spices together with the salt and onion skins put in a pot and cover with water. Boil, put so fat, that it was covered with brine, boil 10 minutes. Pan off the heat and leave in the brine for a day. After the brine is cool, pan in the refrigerator. Then fat removed from the brine and let it lie in a dish 15 minutes, to stack the excess brine. Garlic to squeeze through the press and smear them fat from all sides. Remove bacon in the fridge for a day. Then shift to the freezing chamber.
Salo spicy with garlic
Buy fresh bacon. Make cuts to the skins, cool add salt with coarse salt and fold into a wide bowl, put the top yoke (It can also be a wide bowl or pan with water).
After one day, all fat, and salt in a saucepan shift the, pour water on one or two fingers above the fat, add any spices (what you like), bay leaf and onion peel necessarily more (it was she who then give the original color, taste and smell).
Cooked it all for an hour. Then give content to cool to room temperature. Fat is removed from the pan, Ham (rubbed pressure) garlic, pepper (chili powder, black pepper) taste, wrapped in tracing paper (greaseproof paper, foil), rewound common thread, tracing to not unwinds, and put in the freezer. After one day, bacon ready to eat.
Salo ostrenьkoe
Brine need 7 glasses of water, 1 glass coarse salt, a handful of onion peel.
All this bring to a boil, boil 5 minutes. Then put in a pickle pieces of bacon (to water them thoroughly covered). Boil 10-20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, if the young - 10). Leave for a day in brine. After that, remove the fat from the brine, allow to drain water. Grate the garlic and red pepper. Put in the fridge, preferably in a freezer (so it turns out delicious).
Salo spice
Required 1 kg sala, 400 g of salt, lukovaâ Husk, red pepper, garlic and other spices to taste.
Prepare a solution of hydrochloric (on 1 liter of boiled water - 400 grams of salt). The solution is to add a handful of onion peel. 1 kg of raw bacon (it is possible to pickle in one piece or cut into small pieces) soaked in saline solution for 12 hours. Salo should be covered with a solution. After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Simmer 3 minutes (not more).
Writing fat cool saline. Cooled down fat grate salt (a small amount), garlic and red pepper. Give fat soak spices - and it's ready to eat.
Fat in the brine "brine"
Bacon cooked in this manner does not age, non-yellowing and long shelf life, maintaining good taste.
to salt 2 kg sala, a brine: on 5 glasses of water need 1 glass salt. boil the brine, Cool to room temperature,.
In the meantime, we will cut the fat into small pieces (it was convenient to get) and invest neplotno (!) a 3-liter jar, added between the layers 3-5 bay leaf, black pepper, 5-8 garlic cloves.
Fill brine, prikroem loose cover. Week will keep in the room (have ready-to-eat), then submitted to a cold. Usually such a container (3-liter jar) is not more than 2 kg of lard. The main thing - not to stack the pieces very tightly in a jar, otherwise the fat simply "suffocate".
Lard with garlic
Take fresh fat with a soft cloth, better, if it is with meat prozhilochki. Cut it into pieces 5x10 cm. Generously rub salt. Densely laid in a single layer in enameled ware.
5-7 large cloves of garlic cut into slices (not too small). sprinkle with so, fat to be uniformly processed. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper fragrant (layer need for 1 no. a spoon). then laid, if needed, a second layer, etc., depending on the amount of fat, we solim. Cover dish plate, which fits snugly in the pan (both under the yoke). And left alone at room temperature for about 2 day. On the second day you have already smell! But let's better to stand up one more day.
Then take out the fat from the pan. Chunks of bacon individually wrapped in paper. Chesnochek, that was in the pan with the bacon, We leave with him. Store wrapped in canvas or plastic bag pieces of lard is better in the freezer.
Salo with dill
The water was heated to laurel, peas black pepper, dill and salt. The salt is used in such an amount, placed in the solution to a raw egg or potato not drowned. The cooled brine is lowered grated garlic and bacon, cut into bars width 4 cm and a length 20-25 cm.
The product is ready for use in about a week. Before use, the fat is removed from the brine, obsushivayut cloth and placed on 2-3 hour in a refrigerator.
With this method of salting bacon keeps "fresh" taste during the storage period.
Salo in a rural
Fresh bacon cut into pieces by 250-350 g and placed in an enamel saucepan layers, pouring crushed garlic. Pea black pepper pressed into each bar of 6-8 pcs. Then the water is boiled with bay leaves and salt (much salt, to pop up a slice of raw potato tossed back). After cooling, pour brine them fat, press down oppression and kept 10-12 days. Then take out the pieces, obsushivayut and stored in the cold.
Lard with garlic and spices
This method lends itself to any salting fat - like soft, and tough.
Bacon cut into pieces the size of a hand or a little less. With a sharp knife to pierce holes in them for 1,5-2 cm deep and lay them in pieces of garlic (it depends on the number of your love for garlic). Then you need to poke new holes smaller and lay them peppercorns - according to your taste. Each piece of fat in the mixture roll favorite spices and this mixture was well rubbed into fat. Chunks of bacon tightly laid on its side in a deep enamel pot.
Prepare a very cool brine, sparing no salt, because, as we already know, fat take as much salt, as it needs. Add bay leaf and pickle all the same spices to taste, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool and warm brine to fill the fat.
When the contents of the pan to cool completely, pan clean the refrigerator. A week later, the fat will be ready. It should pull out of the brine, a little dry, wrapped in tracing paper or parchment paper and place in the freezer.
salty bacon, prepared by any method, and can podkoptit, if conditions permit. This can be done using the most basic smokehouse.
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