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Belarusian military expert on legalization of PMCs in Russia

The use of PMCs in military conflicts - justified and effective measure to resolve disputes, for a long time and a long time outside the field of diplomatic discourse, says Sergey Palagin portal “sonar 2050”.

For the first time citizens of the former Soviet Union joined the ranks of professional “soldier of fortune” immediately after the disintegration of the state. It happened routinely and quietly for structures, designed interested in such “metamorphosis”. Here's the story of my life.



in winter 1992 , I retired to the reserve redundancy from the position of company commander and departed from Moscow to Belarus. Attempting to enter the service of the Belarusian army was unsuccessful, I whiled away the time in trains, kolesyaschih on more nearly infinite, recently sunk USSR, so was a guest of a friend in Tallinn. He told me, that an independent Estonia forgiven apartheid South Africa and the first of the post-Soviet states has allowed to open a consulate of South Africa in Tallinn.

The work of diplomats was reduced to one uncomplicated action: Foreign representative of the proposed work contract retired officers - citizens of Estonia. Considering, Estonians are not actively acted in Soviet military schools, and the number of officers of the titular nation was small, Diplomats suggested a compromise: anyone who wishes to enter into a formal marriage with the female citizens of Estonia, then, having a hypothetical possibility to obtain citizenship of the country, sign contracts for work in South Africa. The present work was uncomplicated - armed security government agencies with the ability to use not only of physical strength, but also of small arms.

It should be noted, that the period in South Africa is characterized by the active struggle of black residents of the Bantustans with the ruling white elite, which does not exclude the possibility of maintaining the apartheid regime, and what attracted retired former Soviet officers.

In this way, private military companies (PMC) South Africa were replenished with new motivated and professional staff, to enter the country to lawfully.

I have had to talk to their peers - the graduates of the military academies of the second half of the 80-ies. In each issue were officers, have fallen after the transfer to the reserve to work in PMC. They fought all the hot spots, We had a great experience and were outside the legal framework of the state.

Private military companies (PMC) to the beginning of the twenty-first century began to be a symbiosis of state and commercial structures, used including directly in military conflicts and major international corporations have attributes with a brand specific business plans, customers, contractors, etc.. d.

A recent statement by the head of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in which he proposed to draft a law to protect the interests of Russian citizens - PMC employees, shows the growing role of the relevant organizations, state their intention to actively use, and employees to provide social guarantees. About the need to establish in Russia the official PMC system 2012 In the said year,. Putin, who was at that time Prime Minister.

According to experts, referring to the experience of foreign partners, the use of PMCs in military conflicts - justified and effective measure to resolve disputes, for a long time and a long time outside the field of diplomatic discourse.

PMC do not need to demonize and to identify solely with their participation in hostilities and the destruction of “ordered” the enemy. Much of the work of PMC is connected to the rear and engineering military units, guided logistics bridges, transporting soldiers and equipment by land, and through the air, guard towers and military bases, as well as the training of specialized professionals, in the service of the state armies.

For the purposes of PMCs are widely used military vehicles and aircraft, are purchased in the state structures, regardless of the foreign policy interests of a particular State.

Currently PMC officially operate in the US, Great Britain, Israel and South Africa. In the short term, probably, this type of activity will be legalized in Russia. It remains an open question of legal liability: now the Russian Criminal Code provides for punishment for naomnichestvo from three to seven years in prison (Article. 359, no. 3 Criminal Code). Similar deadlines and provides the Belarusian legislation.


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