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The nuances of the future of the PMCs law

Duma promptly responded to the call of the Foreign Ministry to legalize the status of private military companies (PMC), write Nikita Kovalenko and Marina Baltacheva pages online newspaper “Sight”. Already announced the principles of the future law - all the warring abroad “wild geese” will be coordinated from the Ministry of Defense. PMC will also be removed from the scope of the criminal article “mercenary”. That it can give the Russian state?

Bill, designed to legalize the PMC, we plan to make in a month, He said on Wednesday, the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on State Building and the Law Mikhail Emelyanov. “The law will allow to attract PMCs to participate in counterterrorism operations abroad, to protect the sovereignty of allied states against external aggression. As well as the protection of different objects, gas fields including oil, railways”, - said Yemelyanov.

The MP explained: the bill will register concept, tasks and jobs PMCs. Besides, State guarantees will be secured for the Russians, working for private military companies. They will also be introduced and the necessary restrictions: ban private military companies to violate the sovereignty and national borders change, to overthrow the legitimate authorities, to conduct subversive activities, develop, buy and store weapons of mass destruction.

The relevance of a PMC demonstrated particularly the situation in Syria, He has Emelyanov. I agree with him and other deputies: “We see a real practice, when developed countries, such as America and a number of other, use PMCs to perform tasks outside their own country. We have this issue… somewhat undervalued. Private military companies - it is already a reality, that can not be brushed aside… We are ready to engage in this work”, - said the chairman of the Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov.

“PMC - a fast-growing global market, it involves different companies from Western countries, of Israel, and lately it has been particularly active in China. We have a huge advantage in this market. In this experience of participation in the wars, such tactics and strategy, training, weaponry, possessed by our officers, Few of our competitors has. The history of Russia is, that we constantly have to fight, to defend its sovereignty and independence. And the experience we have enormous. Why do we not use it?” - rhetorically asked Yemelyanov.

Write the law should shelled people

“The most important thing, PMC will help save the lives of hundreds of young people. Even under the contract in our army are too young people without adequate experience. He served a year in the army, He contracted - and went off to fight against the highly skilled mercenaries and fanatics. And in the PMC will accept people with a very great experience, This retired military, officers, the last hot spots. Respectively, our losses will be smaller”, - hopes MP.

“Besides, dismissed officers will be employed. They're at a relatively young age demobilized. Whole life preparing to fight - nothing more can not. ruin oneself by drink, go somewhere guards. Why do not they give the opportunity to serve?” - asks Emelyanov.

CEO of a private security company “RSB Group”, former officer of FSB border guards Oleg Krinitsyn, which itself informally positions the company as a PMC, welcomes the news of the State Duma. According to him, “Russian kontrakteram” necessary social guarantees, perhaps, some benefits.

“More I do not see another positive. We have a bunch of documents, limiting our lives, - gun law, eg, imperfect, - said Krinitsyn. - How will the PMC move weapons, some technique across the border, if this is? Not sure, it all quickly earn. If you do in normal, humanly, it could be a tool to influence the Russian government without the participation of the Russian state - in those countries, in the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which we have our interests. There, where not to favor military contingent, group can enter and work as a private structure”.

Name “Wagner” It sounded more than once

The world really has been operating for more than a hundred large private military companies, primarily in the US, Great Britain, France. The significance “soldier of fortune” say in the message appeared last year on, that Trump administration attracted to the development of the US military strategy of the representatives of two well-known PMC - Blackwater (now Academi) и DynCorp.

Usually, the scope of PMC activities include protection of objects, training of army and police units, consulting services in the field of security, supply and support of troops. Several dozen such companies were involved in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In Russia, a similar practice is not. Furthermore, work in “private armies” It can be regarded as naemnichestvo (article 359 Criminal Code). for “recruitment, training, financing or other material support of mercenaries, as well as their use in armed conflict or hostilities” He could face up to four to eight years in prison. Alone job mercenary “by specialty” in the zone of military operations shall be punished by imprisonment for three to seven years period.

In the West believe, that Russian PMCs already exist and even pose a serious threat. So, eg, In June, the US imposed sanctions list once PMCs Wagner, as well as the retired lieutenant colonel Dmitry Utkin, called leader of this alleged organization.

As noted earlier, no real way to punish the PMC Wagner and Utkin Washington does not exist. Not least because, that legally there is not very “Wagner”. what, however, It does not interfere with the head of the SBU to blame “Wagner group” to destroy the Ukrainian IL-76 in Luhansk.

But the debate on the legalization of PMCs is conducted with at least 2012 of the year, When President Vladimir Putin has supported the establishment of such companies, who could provide services for the protection of facilities and training of foreign military overseas - without the participation of the Russian state. At the same time in favor of the practice of using PMCs repeatedly spoken curator “defense” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. AT 2014 even by the State Duma introduced a bill on private military and security companies, but it was never adopted - after the negative response of the Government.

about this debate flared up again after, in Syria captured two Russians got to the militants LIH, which formally were not military, - Roman Zabolotny and Gregory Turcan. On Monday, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on the head to create a legal framework to protect the interests of Russians, working on PMCs in other countries, after which members of the newly invigorated.

Than “wild geese” differ from “military experts”

After 1978 of the year, when the screens out British fighter “wild geese”, it became known as mercenaries, who fight only for money. To distinguish fighters from PMC mercenaries difficult. The main difference - private commercial structures controlled by the state, and it works the same in the public interest.

And according to the Russian, and under international law the main criteria “mercenary” considered two features - it is not only foreign citizenship, but also “interested motives”, Work for the money. However, PMC soldiers also receive a salary, and the states are not recognized and internationally - for example, DNR and LNR, so the legal boundaries between these concepts remain blurred. As he says about Oleg Krinitsyn:

“Very important, that our activities do not run counter to the Criminal Code of the Russian and international laws. We do not create armed units. We do not participate in the fighting as mercenaries in other countries”.

Bill 2014 of the year, According to Krynytsыna, It was “raw”. “It is seen, layman wrote. We have taken extracts from a private security law, added extract from the Tax Code, it is not clear at all, what all happened. Let's, PMCs are prohibited from engaging in exploration. And this is one of the elements of combat support. Before we go somewhere, necessary to carry out reconnaissance, conditions and other”, - wonders the head “RSB Group”.

However, the initiators of the bill promise to take into account in the text of these concerns.

“We correct the mistakes of the bill 2014 of the year, We are expanding the scope of its activities, remove unjustified restrictions, introduce additional safeguards, - said Mikhail Emelyanov. - Then, the main objection to the government was somewhat flimsy provision, our bill supposedly contrary to the Constitution. Referred to Article 13, paragraph 5, which says, that public associations can not create armed units. And we update, PMCs that - this is not a public association. This is a commercial organization, aim - profit”.

If we legalize PMCs, all companies, operating under Russian legislation, under the Criminal Code of the mercenaries will not fall within Article, MP promises. He reminded about the international experience - foreign PMCs in the US, Great Britain, China, etc.. d. under these articles are not subject to.

“We are in the bill record, what, At first, they should act in full conformity with the principles of international law, with respect to the territorial integrity of States. Secondly, they can participate in operations abroad by invitation only legitimate governments of these countries and with the permission of our Ministry of Defense, if there is an international treaty between the two countries”, - listed MP.

“But the customer does not have to be a state. They may be our Defense. What is very important: regardless of, who is the customer, supervises and coordinates the function remains with the Ministry of. When the PMC in a foreign country must be representative of the ministry. If the PMC is beyond, that it dictates the Ministry, then at the request of the Ministry, the company should leave the country. Otherwise it will be revoked license”, - the initiator of the law threatened.

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