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Construction of the training base RDG

RDG * (reconnaissance sabotage groups)

This camp is similar to the guerrilla, approximately in the camp will be scouts behind enemy lines, out of it, they will be sent on combat missions, there is to go back.
But, Unlike real combat base, training camp is equipped with still and field classes (dugouts) Sports, and some farm buildings (kitchen and medical center).

During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet RDG usually operated in the rear of the German fascist troops on the following tactical scheme: exit the rear foot by the Germans (or landing by parachute from planes), then transition to the intended area of ​​operations, Equipment where the base camp, and only after you create a group set about the work of intelligence and sabotage. Almost all combat RDG actions carried out at a distance from their bases at least 15-25 kilometers.

Separate motorized rifle brigade of special purpose (OMSBON) during the war 1941-45 gg. sent into the enemy's rear 212 sabotage- intelligence groups and teams, accumulated with the vast experience in the creation of field camps. That's what they say on the subject of the book authors, dedicated to fighting gang activity ("Hatred, spresovannaya in toll »):

"The first concern was to create a command troops or guerilla base camp. I began this work with a selection of the most suitable place. It was supposed to meet a number of conditions, such, the relative proximity to the main objects of intelligence and sabotage, secrecy and security.

Most of all, came to camp green sand islands, surrounded by impassable swamps and forests. defining the place, starts construction camp. In camps built tent tents: converged tent came down to half the height covered with a thick layer lapnika, tent upper portion left open to smoke, inside the fire was burning, keep the fire which is the responsibility of the orderly.

We slept in twos, tucked under her coat and covering one second ...

Approaches to camp, usually, mined. Minefields were defensive and signaling functions, as the blasts warning of approaching enemy. At the same time, they severely limit the maneuverability of punitive. Guard performed hour, sentinel and advanced a few kilometers from the camp secrets ... "

anti (and sometimes even anti-tank) Mines are usually placed around the camp so, to go in there and go from there could only be a spiral (scheme so-called "snail"), not in a straight line. Today, in addition to the mines are widely used various electronic "watchman". for example, simple detector, the manufacture of which requires no more than ten minutes. It consists of two resilient contacts, fortified on the rack (stick a dry tree), and adhesive strips, inserted between the contacts. To strip attached a thin wire, attached at its other end to the second rack on a small height from the ground. If someone? anything (man or beast) touches the metal wire, Strap clamping pops out and connect contacts. The electrical circuit closes, before the observer pilot lamp lights or bell will ring.

In that case, if the enemy detects the stretched wire and simply step over it, he his weight for a moment to change the capacitance between the wire and the ground. Therefore, the wire, in addition to the call (light bulbs), Connect is also a special capacitive switch, consisting in the special forces armed. If necessary, it can be manufactured easily and in field conditions. There are also high-sensitivity microphones, pinpoint crunching branches, jingle metal objects (equipment, weapons), hard breath, whispered conversation and other sounds. Such a microphone is directional, so it is easy to set the direction, whence came the sounds suspicious.

Widespread in the armed forces received night vision goggles, working as an active (with infrared illumination), and a passive mode. It sights for small arms, binoculars, special glasses (noktovizory). Shortly speaking, for the protection of the camp is necessary to use all possible means: surveillance and alarm devices, anti-personnel mines, bombs Surprise (booby-trap), barbed wire, "Pitfalls", sniper positions (secrets), machine-gun ambush, outposts ...

At the same time it must be emphasized, that we should not place too much hope on the hardware. When dealing with a well-trained professionals, neither scouts can not secure a hundred percent based security. And it's not just about ground search of the enemy counter-intelligence, but also about the helicopter patrols. Examining the terrain square by square with a small height, helicopters using modern electronic and optical devices can pinpoint even the well-camouflaged scouts. Yield one - dig into the ground, or take refuge under such items, which are impervious to electronic and infrared instruments.

How can you not remember those tricks, who used the scouts in the Great Patriotic War. here, eg, DRGs after departing diagram combat operation (take prisoners, sabotage, fire attack). The first is the commander, together with the subgroup (link), that served as the main combat mission. The rest of it indicates a reference point, through which they must depart. for example: "Rally Point - a fallen tree, go to it from the Lone Pine ". Arriving at this place, commander of reserves there two scouts, and he moves on. The first of the scouts (naturally, well hidden) receives the remaining fighters and shows them the direction (landmark), which moved commander. Second, disguised in the area of ​​"Lone Pine" (ie. in the place of access to the collection point) ensures that, whether there is a "tail".

If yes", he mounted signal alerts the scouts, are in the collection point. The trick of this method lies in the fact, the group returned to the base is not a straight path, and making several sharp turns ("Knees"), simultaneously carrying out continuous monitoring of areas behind. the officer, who came up with this method, He went to war 23 June 1941 year and I was able to live up to its end!

training camp device Est scheme is:

1. residential dugout.

2. Dugout for training (with yaschikommaketom area).

3. The Staff dugout.

4. impassable swamp.

5. Dense forest.

6. Plot rail-axle.

7. Abandoned industrial facility.

8. The road to the roadside bushes.

9. kitchen, bath and toilet.

10. Observation post.

In the camp, the scouts fulfill the following tasks: ways to overcome the swamp; ways of silent movement in the forest; camouflage on the ground and conducting surveillance; reserved access to the rail and methods of sabotage on it and on the bridge; organization of observation and ambushes on the road; monitoring of industrial facilities and attack on him; means separation from the pursuit of the enemy raid groups (including use service- search dogs); Tracking is. In some cases, it can be scheduled only area reserve base, conducted his reconnaissance group commander, and its equipment implemented only in a yield of active groups in the area.

For short stays the group in the area for its placement constructed simple shelters improvised. The simplest shelter huts can be any type of, tent, sheds, plague from scrap materials (more in temporary shelters, see. in "Survival" section). In the future, it is necessary to arrange the dugout. In the highlands for this purpose can be used by deep ravines, hiding under rocks, cleft. When basing in the settlements there are great opportunities to create (additional equipment) and the use of ready-made structures, as well as the equipment of different shelters in the area of ​​outbuildings.

shelter, created in the ground, must be carefully masked under the background of the surrounding area. It is necessary to do a variety of hidden vents for fresh air and be sure to have an escape route, the use of which is permitted only to the commander of the group in case of emergency. When equipment shelters scouts must be creative.

Created shelter must meet the following basic requirements:

- have a hidden location, exclude the telltale signs;

- best meet the intended purpose (to provide rest and Heating personnel, normal conditions for accommodation);

- provides a covert group stay;

- allow a quick exit from the group- under enemy attack.

Shelter in the form of mud huts reliably protect from the cold and bad weather. They are the most comfortable of the residential buildings in relation to the placement in the field in winter, and summer.

Arrange on the dugout 5-10 human. Nara doing one and two of a number of width 180 cm, their length shall be at the rate of 60 see a man.

Login arranged in a vestibule with two doors.

On level ground, build dugout gable, on the slopes - odnoskatnыe. Gable dugout arranged so: - tear off the pit wall and clothe him; - are placed on the sides of the pit persistent logs and sleepers;

- Set the rack and fix them run;

- on the run and sleepers are laid every 90 see rafters, and on top of them - a solid row of poles;

- arrange vent;

- close up the entrance vestibule poles;

- at Zherdeva coating layer lay branches, straw etc., and placed on top of it a layer crumpled clay and soil layer total thickness 30-40 cm.

Pent dugout arranged in the same order, as Gable. Log in to make an end. With the mountain side tear drainage groove.

If there is severe, snowy winter and the construction of dugouts difficult, It can be accommodated in the winter expedition tents (of course, them well camouflaged).

Set of winter hiking tents for six people consists of two snaring, component racks, brezentovogo half, six rope braces, six metal stakes, Thirteen metal prikolyshey and dismountable stoves. Kit weighs about 35 kg.

Winter tent camp is installed on a central component of the rack and secured to stakes six guyed, killed on such a distance from it, to get the height of the wall 85 cm. Turn up the tent floor is charged under a canvas floor; wall fastened loops available to them to prikolysham.

The tent is a more warm and comfortable when you install it on the ground dug in deep foundation pit 50-60 cm; In this case, the personnel rack replaced respectively elongated rack, harvested on the spot.

Insulated tent camp set of two tent snaring, between which is laid straw, pre woven into mats thickness 5 cm. Tent set over excavation, having dimensions in plan 4 x 4 m. On the bottom of the pit deepens 0,3 m;

arranged around a mound of excavation of the same height. The walls of the pit wear poles or other materials at hand.

The upper part of the excavation of clothes suit two 5- remoter, are laid to form a frame, to which tie up the bottom edge of the tent to outline. In the presence of snow cover in the tent on all sides except the entrance covered with snow. Departing from the B-pillar on 25 see install a portable stove with a spark arrester. Chimney of steel roofing output for pit, then it rises steeply above the snow cover and is covered glinyanopletnevym deflector to gain traction and pressing the smoke to the ground in order to disguise. Within the limits of the excavation pipe sprinkled the ground, purified from the roots and other woody impurities. In the place of passage through the clothes side is sawed hole, the edges of which must be at least 25 cm from the tube. On the outer side of the bead is inserted into the roofing sheet steel with a hole for the pipe. Chimney, like the rest of the tent as a whole, carefully disguised.

It is particularly important to provide camouflage against aerial surveillance, including through night vision devices, operating in the infrared range. For this purpose, usually close the tent top tree branches and covered their snow.

For storing various material means at the base area equipped with large caches. When equipment caches need to use different methods of masking based on local conditions and time of their favorites, possible changes in the external environment during storage. Inadmissible subsidence after caches device, vegetation change in color. Caches should be arranged so, that they did not find the locals, so as not to penetrate in them domestic and wild animals. They should ensure the preservation of material resources and their suitability for the intended use after storage. It is necessary to provide reliable waterproofing, protection against erosion cache when snow melts and during rain, from possible mechanical damage of stored funds, damaging their rodent, as well as by temperature changes, or due to exposure to toxic substances, stored in the cache along with other supplies (products). Besides, caches have to be tailored to local subjects to quickly find their scouts.



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