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DEFENSE IN THE MOUNTAINS. The tactics of counter-insurgency.

Strong irregularity terrain and weather conditions (fog) create conditions for rapid and harmonious movement of small units. essentially, fighting in the mountains - a battle in the labyrinth of the key points of this maze, namely - for tactical commanding heights and locations, where you can go - for passes, roads, trails, defile (narrow passage), road fork, entrance to the gorge and gorge, comfortable seats ferries across mountain river.

Actually on hold these places and build defenses in the mountains. Besides, temporary defensive lines organized on ways to interdict the enemy's withdrawal of its exit from the blow of the main forces. Permanent defenses are settling for holding outposts and roadblocks.
Mountainous terrain contributes to the defense. Even small-numbered division, blocked the road in a good location or take a strategic height, and well-organized defensive actions, It can permanently block the opponent the opportunity to travel and to inflict considerable damage.

The peculiarities of the relief: defending unit, perhaps, will have to keep the defense and not on a separate height, and the Drop, with relief above him on the slope. The front edge can be on the slopes, facing the enemy, and to combat the crests, and on the reverse slopes. When defense organization on the reverse slopes should pay attention to position equipment, closed from the fire from above, and providing flanking fire on the advancing enemy or leaked.

A solid line of defense in the mountains to create a hard. Usually small defense units (company) It is a system of support points and branches platoons, at a distance of a real fire and supporting each other's fire (sweep space near each other). Strong points are equipped on certain heights, on the slopes and on the commanding heights near the mountain passes. some firepower to protect the flanks can be advanced beyond the reference points, but they must be covered with fire and minelaying. The space between the reference points to be overlapped and machine-gun fire mortar. The mutual fire support is much more effective, if the reference points are located at the same height and have clearly defined guidelines.

Behind the front edge of each reference point must be a reserve, in hot conditions increased to 25 % the total number of personnel. reserve task - to maneuver to gain on responsible and intense defense sites, and avoiding enemy circumvention by hidden approaches and hitting him in the rear. Defense of the flanks must necessarily be rounded to reflect the readiness of a sudden attack side. The defense in the mountains should always be circular.

Placing firing positions for retaining important commanding heights, and for tactical counter the enemy will always be tiered. It is necessary, to be able to shoot through his head, and possible to achieve high density of fire in combat intense moments. Stacked setting fire resources required and the main direction of the front edge, and on the flanks, and towards the rear. Basically, should be exposed to fire all directions. Firing positions are arranged, to cover the fire dead space, field of invisibility, concealed approaches and exits from them, provide flanking fire, and if possible - dagger fire in the rocky labyrinths.
Front edge (main stream) Defense is chosen so, to be as small as possible spaces neprostrelivaemyh.

Tiered fire system must provide the crossfire and the forward edge, and in the interstices between the support points, and individual positions on the flanks of the joints and. Besides, it is highly desirable to be able to fire hidden processing approaches and approaches, and also be able to quickly maneuver and firepower reserve.

Battle formations at the location on the tiers can be very diverse. They are built so, to units and individual firing points saw the prospect of a fight, We do not interfere with each other to shoot "in the head" and can provide mutual fire and maneuvering, to strengthen the defense of individual sections and go around the combat units of the enemy.

The greatest attention is paid to the equipment of the lowest tier of Defense, which account for the most severe blows advancing enemy. Long-range facilities, capable of destroying long-term and important goals, usually installed in the upper tiers, offering the prospect of a fight. The strongest weapon systems are installed in front of the expected tactically dangerous areas. Tier for setting fire means chosen accordingly expediency.

The multi-tiered defense is necessary also for the reason, that different levels and in different directions, the conditions for the cross and flanking fire on neprostrelivaemym spaces, directions and concealed approaches, which creates conditions for the effectiveness of the defense in depth. Fire defenders must be from different positions and strongholds pre-calculate and concentrated in places where the enemy from the dead spaces - gorges, tesnin, rock labyrinth and other hidden approaches. It is very effective sniper fire and heavy machine guns.

Emplacements and locations for shooting are selected, to avoid the collapse of, landslide, avalanche, rockfall. You can not select a position near streams and dry riverbeds. When precipitation and melting of snow in the afternoon, the water level can rise suddenly and by a large amount. If necessary, keep the defense in such places it is necessary to prepare the replacement position above the ramp. Designated firing positions and shelters should be chosen, so that they do not numb the water with stingrays.

To equip the firing positions in the mountains is difficult. If there is power, opportunity, tools and time can dig trenches and some trenches. But in the rocky terrain entrenching work difficult. Therefore, the position of the piles of stones fitted, using natural depressions, and filling bags of rock debris and ice (nemetskm rangers for these purposes be ordered by 2-3 bag in equipment).
If there is a possibility, useful to equip the gap with beams from shrapnel mines, which will break on the slopes or in the treetops, as well as the sharp stone spray, flying with great force from the tears of ammunition.
In the conduct of counterinsurgency fighting company in the mountains in the line of sight and mutual support points can fully defend the land from several heights, which can reach the size 1000-1200 m wide and up to 700 m in depth. In the mountainous and forested areas with reduction of distance line of sight and fire support of Defense site is usually less than 500-600 m wide and 300-400 m in depth.

The defense should be masked. cover positions and communication trenches are masked in relation to the terrain and forms of local objects, stone, boulders, the rocks, bends rays of heights, etc., using perceptual distortions under mist, snow, rain, low clouds. Should not be placed in the position of the crests and peaks - so they will be immediately visible in the sky. Care must be light and sound masking. In the mountains, the quietest sound can be heard very far.
Apart from fire impact on the advancing enemy in the mountains are widely used ancient defense techniques, namely: stone and wood debris, ice skates and downs, icy and snowy icy barriers, collapse on the enemy's head of large boulders, which previously loosened and pushed out of their nests, so that the necessary time be easy to throw down. Besides, prepared by blowing up a heap of stones and rocks. For all this you need not to disturb the natural landscape in order to disguise. of course, approaches to the defense can undermine, if you have something to.

Such auxiliary means are often used when the main ways of obscuring the guerrilla movement in the mountains - the gorges gorges, fashion shows, etc.. The defense of the entrances to such places can be organized on the principle of "fire trap", in the form of fire pockets, Bend at the flanks and firing positions ahead, on the slopes and heights, facing the enemy. The division holds adjacent to the gorge near standing height, which are equipped with footholds. The gaps between the reference points and the approaches to the heights of overlapping fire. The greatest importance is attached to the heights and slopes, which form the entrance to the gorge. Be sure to be equipped with concealed firing positions for sharp turns and sudden rock heaps to fire at short distances from machine guns and grenade launchers.
In the defense passes and other mountain passes tiered defense is based on the prevailing altitude passes the vicinity. Battle is always going for such heights - who will keep them, he will keep and pass. At the same time many levels of defense should be placed along the road through the pass, but in any case defense must be circular with a reserve in the rear.

Attention! Vulnerabilities like the entire defense system in the mountains, and the individual support points – constantly exposed flanks and the large number of hidden approaches to them. Vulnerable as the gaps between departments, especially with the limited review. The presence of the gaps between the positions and strongholds of the enemy allows you to filter into the rear of the defenders, bypass their positions and to strike the flank and rear. That is why the defense in the mountains anyway to be circular. That is why the positions are located so, to cover the fire loschinki, ravines, Outputs from the gorges and ravines. That is why the fire system in the defense of principle is based on the concentration of fire, more firepower at the outputs of the hidden approaches to the positions - from these places the enemy will be put forward on the attack, and it is in these places, it will accumulate for the next leap. Open and sweep the places he would not go on the attack.

Therefore, a multi-tiered fire is planned in such a way, so that you can shoot through the dead zone in front of hidden approaches crossfire from several positions, with different layers, with hinged fire mortars. Despite, that the first line of defense is built on the slopes, facing in the direction of the greatest dangers to reflect bypassing the flanks and rear of enemy units, It must be pre-arranged and thought fire mutual support along the front and from the bottom. Between positions must be impenetrable and space mined or equal, viewed and sweep the place.

For all the above reasons, to counter the infiltration of the hidden enemy must be kept under constant supervision of all roads, trails, the narrows, gorge, defile, forest, gullies and ravines, extending from the positions and their exits. These areas should overlap the flank and crossfire. the, that can not be exposed to fire, be mined.
If there are many hidden approaches and approaches escort value increases in the mountains. For the organization of escort in such circumstances, one way or another have to devote much more effort, than usual.

Outposts produced exhibiting secret secretive outposts, reconnaissance patrol, expelling removal to 2 km, secretive nomination at the height of the forward edge of defense position reinforced escort forces to one branch. Combat positional Saving secretly exposed in the gaps between the supporting points or to open flanks, if the terrain is poorly viewed. On remote areas organized covert patrols.
divisions, appointed in Saving, available in the framework of the general objectives of reasonable right of initiative and independence.

In the defense will always be effective proactive positional ambush, which are also to guard. These ambushes are set by a separate independent tactical directions, both before the front, and for the flanks and rear in order to counter the sudden coverage, Crawling and infiltration of the enemy by hidden approaches. ambush, exposed on hidden approaches to the front edge, the flanks and the depth of defense, are important precisely in forested mountainous terrain.
The aim of such positional ambush - timely detection of the enemy, inflict casualties, to deprive him of the advantages of surprise, "Fasten on", delay the advance, and put under flanking fire has nominated the main forces.

Such ambushes have to be secretive, camouflaged and fixed to the ground. Keep the enemy as close as possible, and the most processed dagger fire, grenade, landslides, etc., while it is moving in marching orders and represents a group target. Ambush supported by machine-gun and mortar fire.
On tactically responsible ways advisable to equip the hidden camouflaged positions with mortar spotters radio. These positions serve as the secret outposts in coming into action only when absolutely necessary. According to the feasibility of the emerging mortar adjusters can secretly be moved for the purpose of. Mortars defenders advisable to change position, to them not attacking Accuracy Increasing.

mortars 82 mm at a distance 700-800 m gives excellent results in the zones of invisibility, deep and sides neprostrelivaemogo space under correction on the radio. In these places there is accumulation and regrouping of attacking enemy.
For early detection bypassing enemy units, decryption of his plans and to prevent environment exploration defenders carried out by all available means, at a great distance from the main forces, constantly, any time of the day. Observation and outposts must be continuous and in all weather conditions. escort position should be located on the heights and slopes with a good view. Particular attention is paid not only in the direction of the likely appearance of the enemy, but also on the exposed flanks, roads, trails, outputs of the gorges, ravines and gorges, leaving the flank and rear.
Exhibited duty required firepower at the time of firing positions. Their task - to destroy small groups of enemy advanced, leading razvedpoisk or reconnaissance. After firing, these manifestations of duty means leaving the "decrypted" false positions and moved to spare, or on the order situation and extend the main forces.

The defending unit shall promptly detect enemy, Efforts bypass, coverage, or infiltration. The task of the escort is not only the failure of a surprise attack, but also misleading the coming of the real location of its front edge, and the defense system as a whole.
The destruction of the attacking enemy starts with an effective range of fire. In the forest, rugged and forested mountainous terrain in poor weather, fog, due to the limited visibility of the enemy can go unnoticed. Or make a sharp assault jerk and approach close to the defense positions. When this comes into effect reception assault, once used widely by the Germans in the fighting in the North Caucasus, namely: upcoming "piled" on the line item, and concentrated fire from all barrels do not allow the defender to pop out of the shelters and to raise his head. Under the guise of a massive fire fit to throw away a grenade, or take a defensive melee.
In this case, the salvation of the defenders is to control areas with the help of the periscope and a massive release of defensive grenades over the parapet, because of the shelters, So, that they were torn by enemy legs. Just grenades can reflect such a massive attack, when it is impossible to repel small arms fire. Just grenades can fight back in terms of non-obviousness, when due to the dense fire is impossible to raise the head. In this case, you need to know, that the distance of the throw grenades up reduced, and down - increases. Therefore, a grenade thrown down the slope with the slowing (release the cocking lever, count "twenty-two, twenty two" – This will 2 seconds, and then launch a grenade down the ramp). This process directs watching through the periscope.

It was only after massive use of grenades over the parapet and exposed machine is available 1-2 fan shop, not looking and not substituting, on level ground.
So the Americans repulsed the Japanese attack on the Pacific Islands, and the Russian fought back by Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

mortar fire calculated not only to destroy the advancing enemy within line of sight, but also for the reverse slopes of heights, forbidding its accumulation of attack and tactical regrouping. Mortar fire should block the space around the adjacent reference points in order to prevent the enemy to approach it at a distance of throw grenades. practice shows, that the two support points, overlapping crossfire of mortars space near each other it is impossible to storm.

Defense system should be fixed spare frontiers, which unit is moved by a mortar attack the enemy and comes back at the end of his.
With strong massed fire of the enemy did not wait, while "you smear" on the rocks - leave on duty fire weapons, personnel secretive go on the reverse slopes of heights, then, on the situation, move to the flank of the enemy, after his upcoming barrage. Clamp enemy flanking fire.
The defense should be plastic, ie. It should be able to transfer the reserve and other forces with little tense areas of responsibility boundaries, in particular, threatening the flanks.
Supporting units mortar in such cases strikes the enemy, not only on the approaches to the front edge, but also handles fire ravines, dell, gorges and other hidden approaches, forbidding the enemy wedge and infiltrate the flank and rear.
opponent group, leaked and broke through the defense in depth, bound and eliminated the reserve forces.

Counter-top defenders – down to select favorable moments are always very successful. Counter-attacks are carried out with the assistance allowance in cases, when the enemy suffered losses, bled white, is not covered by the fire of their, when his men are tired as a result of rapid and difficult assault rises from bottom to top or along the ramp, with the release of hidden paths in the flank of the enemy, with the support of all the firepower. Directions, ways and conditions of a counter to be studied and prepared in advance. Particularly successful counter are after landslides and rockfalls on the opponent's head, as well as its undermining of the managed mines.
When a counterattack to the development of success are critical. Not spray force and does not come off from their. Let the enemies blood, okay. Be content "tit fist". Even, If you have a lot, in pursuit of the enemy, you can "drop in" on his shoulders in a fire trap (fire bag).
When, after the failed attack enemy rolled, be secretly advance, take frontiers, abandoned by the enemy and gain a foothold on them. When a new attack of the enemy, it will be a surprise for him. These frontiers necessarily hold. The task - as much as possible to bleed the enemy and prevent its loss. After beginning his massive fire secretly to withdraw under fire cover his escape and on the main or reserve positions.

In preparation for the defense of the night you need:
– study carefully concealed approaches, and dead spaces, exhibit enhanced protection, and enhanced secret – posts in dangerous areas, activate listening;
– advance of the firepower of the depth of defense closer to the front edge and place them on a spare firing positions;
– regroup firepower to bombard the critical approaches and threatened to cover the flanks and joints;
– longline location most of the firepower with night vision sights placed on the lower tier;
– advance to make sighting clearly visible landmarks and clearly know the distance to them;
– have a supply of the lighting means (they need a lot of) and ammunition with tracer bullets for target designation. Pre-trial manner to illuminate the area (if possible), to identify areas of shadows, in which the enemy missiles in bright light, lighting mines, etc.. the night will be completely visible;
– to comply with a rule of thumb: resting 50% personnel. The rest of the soldiers are watching and listening. In the defense of the mountains in the quiet time better sleep during the day, than at night to sleep and not wake up;
– with the obvious danger of a night attack at nightfall secretly advance a pre-set targets, closer to the enemy, and correspondingly, push forward outposts.
The attack in the mountains most likely in an hour or two in the morning, the rate of, to attack at dawn had to depart from the scene of the attack, until the start of their search with helicopters.



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