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Art of War

“Of all the "Seven military canons" "military strategy" Sun Tzu, traditionally known as the "Art of War", It is most prevalent in the West. For the first time translated the French missionary for about two centuries ago,, she constantly studied and used by Napoleon, and, perhaps, some representatives of the Nazi High Command. During the last two millennia,, it remains the most important military treatise in Asia, where even ordinary people know her name. Chinese, Japanese, Korean military theorists and professional soldiers studied it necessarily, and many of the strategies played an important role in the legendary Japanese military history, since the VIII century. More than a thousand years, the concept of the book aroused continuous discussion and impassioned philosophical debate, riveting the attention of highly influential figures in various fields. Although the book is many times translated into English, translation and L. Giles and C. Griffith did not lose value so far, continue to emerge.”

Art of War

Year of issue: -400
Author: Sun Tzu
Genre: military strategy
Language: Russian
Quality: eBook (original computer)
Number of pages: 170


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Sun Tzu – war Craft



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