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Sturm buildings

Storm the building is preceded by a thorough exploration of all kinds, the duration of which can be up to several days. During its extract complete information about the enemy, its firing point and fire system, the thickness of walls and ceilings, input location, hidden embrasures, of artificial obstacles to a reference point, an exemplary layout of premises, as well as the location of adjacent support points and firing means on the approaches to attack object.

So, commander receives exhaustive information for a final decision on the fight. Having understood the problem and received a detailed assessment of the situation, the commander decides, which defines: storm time; the composition and the order of battle of assault group; the distribution of forces in the assault subgroups; combat missions staff, attached and supporting forces (Drugs) эtapam in paint; interaction of organization, the nature of support and control. At the same time he is planning major activities for moral and psychological support of soldiers and security of the civilian population. cocking action to seize the object should be to cover the flanks and rear of the fire company (neighboring units).
The number of forces and means, allocated for the attack, It depends on the size of the object, the combat capability of the defenders, organization of fire systems and artificial obstacles. From my own experience I know: to destroy a single firing point, only three or four people; suppress or eliminate pillbox or a group of firing points - eight to twelve people. Platoon to attack a strong point in the building is required from 40 to 60 human. Before carrying out the combat mission commander assigns subgroups capture, fire support and cover, reserve. The capture subgroup isolated from 50 to 60 percent. all personnel of the assault team. The number of her - from 6 to 8 human. Subgroup is divided into twos or threes capture and support.
Armament servicemen easy: machine with grenade launcher, hand grenades, knife, small shovel infantry, disposable flamethrowers and grenade launchers. We now proceed directly to the actions of the personnel in the storming of the building. Subgroups capture quickly and decisively stormed the building in a flight of stairs and destroy the enemy. moving tempo is maintained at a level, the defenders were unable to organize resistance on the upper floors. Leading the fight inside the object, destroying enemy, subgroups are all building - each with its own specific goal, on your site. remind, that the purpose of seizure of the building - not to let out his opponent or prevent approach of its reserves. She achieved suppression of defensive fire from IFV, tanks, ATRA, огне­метов, grenade, penetration into the building in the most accessible location, or through a hole in the wall, PROGRESS tank fire or explosive charge. Then comes the "clean sweep" of the interior - floor by floor, room by room.
Delay the capture objects and confusion can lead to irreparable consequences. That's why each attack must be able to move correctly in combat, enter the building, "Cleaned" the room, use hand grenades, navigate and blacked, shoot with the belt and without thinking. Besides, It plays an important role close cooperation - with each other, as part of a pair, troika, groups. fire cover Group supports the capture group. It consists of - combat vehicles, calculations grenade, ATRA, пу­леметов, ognemetov, snipers. fire cover artist suppresses and "blinding" the enemy, the defending buzzed facility and adjacent buildings, direct fire and indirect fire does not allow it escape, gain and a counterattack. Besides, She is doing the passages in the walls and rubble, erects minefields in the building and on the approaches to it, destroys identified enemy firing points. Reserve - a few motorized infantry, which enhance or alter one of the capture groups, develop the achieved success and cover the attacking comrades with sudden counterattacks.
The best time for the assault - the wee hours. The attack begins suddenly, with a powerful, but short of fire training. After this capture subgroup rush to the object. When you fight in the street run from house to house to be alone or in pairs (troykami), supporting each other fire. While driving need to avoid open areas to sweep the enemy: streets, alleys, parks, parks. Groups attack object to capture better nominated courtyards, underground utilities and basements. Before you start moving through the open area necessary to schedule and route of intermediate positions, as well as smoke-place (aerosol) loops. In order to reduce the effectiveness of retaliatory fire, capture group using hidden approaches to the construction of, since the movement only after the suppression of glare or.



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